FREE Stolen Car Check

Check if a vehicle is recorded stolen

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What is stolen car check?

A stolen car check lets you see if the vehicle registration number plate entered is marked as stolen. It is an essential step to take before purchasing a used car which helps to know the theft status. You can then get in touch with the police for full details.

What’s the risk of buying a stolen car?

If you accidentally bought a stolen car and it’s confiscated from you, the police do not have to compensate you. And in all likelihood, they won’t. The police have the power to reclaim stolen vehicles and return them to the rightful owner or insurer.

It usually doesn’t take long for police to find a stolen car either. They’ll place a ‘stolen marker’ on it, along with the insurer databases. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras will then pick it out when its being driven, notifying the police.

Why it’s important to check if a car is stolen?

Taking ownership of a stolen vehicle will result in losing the car and the money paid to buy.

The buyer, to carry out a detailed history check on the vehicle and to check if the vehicle is reported as stolen by registration number and ensure whether it’s a stolen car.

About Full Car Checks

We offer an in depth, comprehensive vehicle history report, available instantly online from Full Car Checks also include a guarantee up to £30,000.

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