We highly recommend checking the history of a vehicle with our Full Check, which is the most comprehensive report and backed with a £30,000 data guarantee.
Most comprehensive check
£30,000 Data Guarantee
Our Full Check comes with a £30,000 data guarantee. Terms and conditions apply.
Outstanding Finance Check
Checks if any outstanding finance agreements remain on the vehicle. Until all outstanding finance is paid off, the vehicle's 'owner' is the finance company. View example.
Log Book Loan check
Checks if money has been borrowed against a vehicle using a logbook loan lender.
Indicates how much a car is worth, based on a 5 band valuation. View example.
80+ more data checks
80+ more data checks included, please refer to our sample page for an example report.
Written Off
Checks if the vehicle has previously been written off. Includes the category, date, damage areas and cause of damage. View example.
Salvage History Check
Checks if a vehicle has previously been sold on salvage auction sites. Includes damage photos and information on the vehicle. View example.
Advanced Mileage Check
Checks for mileage issues. Various sources checked including: DVLA, BVRLA (British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association), RMI (Retail Motor Industry Federation), NAMA (National Association of Motor Auctions), VMC (Vehicle Mileage Check) and MOT. View example.
Ex-Taxi Check
Checks if a vehicle was previously used as a Taxi.
Stolen Check
Indicates whether the vehicle has been registered as stolen in both the Police National Computer and the Motor Insurance Anti-fraud and Theft (MIAFTR) database.
Safety Recalls
Check if the manufacturer has issued a recall for a vehicle, part, or accessory due to a safety issue.
Indicates whether or not the vehicle has been imported or exported.
Prev. Keepers
Indicates the number of previous keepers since it was manufactured.
Indicates whether or not the vehicle you are checking has been marked as scrapped or unscrapped.
VIN Check
We provide the last four digits of the VIN and allow you to enter the full VIN to check if it matches our records.
Colour Changes
Indicates whether the vehicle has ever been re-sprayed to a different colour.
Plate Changes
Indicates previous number plates & dates of each transfer.
Full Vehicle Details
Full Vehicle Details inlcuded in our reports.
Partial check
£30,000 Data Guarantee
Not included in a standard check.
Outstanding Finance Check
Not included in a standard check. Outstanding Finance check included only in a Full Check. Until all outstanding finance is paid off, the vehicle's "owner" is the finance company.
Log Book Loan check
Not included in a standard check. A Full Check indicates if money has been borrowed against a vehicle using a logbook loan lender.
Not included in a standard check. Indicates how much a car is worth, based on a 5 band valuation.
80+ more data checks
Not included in a standard check, please refer to our sample page for an example report.
Written Off
Checks if the vehicle has previously been written off. Includes the category, date, damage areas and cause of damage.
Salvage History Check
Checks if a vehicle has previously been sold on salvage auction sites. Includes damage photos and information on the vehicle.
Advanced Mileage Check
Checks for mileage issues. Various sources checked including: DVLA, BVRLA (British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association), RMI (Retail Motor Industry Federation), NAMA (National Association of Motor Auctions), VMC (Vehicle Mileage Check) and MOT.
Ex-Taxi Check
Checks if a vehicle was previously used as a Taxi.
Stolen Check
Indicates whether the vehicle has been registered as stolen in both the Police National Computer and the Motor Insurance Anti-fraud and Theft (MIAFTR) database.
Safety Recalls
Check if the manufacturer has issued a recall for a vehicle, part, or accessory due to a safety issue.
Indicates whether or not the vehicle has been imported or exported.
Prev. Keepers
Indicates the number of previous keepers since it was manufactured.
Indicates whether or not the vehicle you are checking has been marked as scrapped or unscrapped.
VIN Check
We provide the last four digits of the VIN and allow you to enter the full VIN to check if it matches our records.
Colour Changes
Indicates whether the vehicle has ever been re-sprayed to a different colour.
Plate Changes
Indicates previous number plates & dates of each transfer.
Full Vehicle Details
Full Vehicle Details inlcuded in our reports.
Is there any recurring fees after my purchase?
No, all our payments are one off. We never take a second charge, a recurring fee or use any subscription based model.
I’m buying a used car, what Car Check should I purchase?
We strongly recommend purchasing our Full Check.
This report provides over 80 data checks, including a finance check, which is crucial as a significant proportion of vehicles are financed.
If you purchase a vehicle with outstanding finance, it could be repossessed, and you may lose the money you paid.
How long do vouchers last for?
All of the voucher codes we provide have no expiry date and can be redeemed at any time.
Do the prices include VAT?
Yes, all our prices include VAT.
What is a Basic Check suitable for?
A Basic Check is suitable for research purposes and for shortlisting vehicles to ensure they have no adverse history. Please note that a Full Check is recommended if you plan to purchase a car.
What is a Full Check suitable for?
Our Full Check is the best option if you are considering buying a vehicle. It includes everything a Basic Check offers, plus a finance check, a £30,000 finance data guarantee, and a valuation.
Is it possible to buy more bundles?
Need more checks? Email or visit our Trade page.